Although this is a sculpture and not a "image",
I can see the relevance to my own work. by
taking an ordinary, overlooked and everyday
object (the couch), the artist had turned it into
something that now requires attention.
Metaphoric photography is similar because it
requires interpretation and understanding.
Many times, the images I shoot are ones that
would normally go unnoticed in everyday life.
By shooting them, I am making the viewer
take a closer look into their meaning.

This work is a deliberate obstruction of the
'big' picture as a whole. Deliberate in the sense
the artist used chemicals to leach out primary
aspects of the photo's to take away meaning
and to detract from the viewers ability to see
the works true meaning, giving new 'liberties'
to create meaning. This aspect is true within
the context of my own work, which relies on
using metaphors which can be translated
differently by each viewer.
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