Monday, March 15, 2010

Week 7

Robert Adams

This could be me? Seriously! My father built
custom homes during these years, so I grew up
around new developments and construction
sites... OK it's not me, but he could be a friend
I once knew?

William Kentridge

This Charcoal print is about a S. African
businessman and is metaphorical, seeing
himself 'dissolving' away as his business
is going under...
...I saw this and felt introspective, that
this is how I have felt lately?!

Week 6

Minor White

I like White's intentional
focus on the "brokenness".
Sometimes the simplest
things can convey a lot of

White's use of "the rule of thirds" and his
use of movement through the photo, makes
this a favorite of mine.

White captures a seemingly 'cliche'
photo, but does so with a Norman
Rockwell style of composition that
it is successful and conveys a feeling
of frigidity and warmth.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Week 5

Sebastiao Salgado

Salgado's images have been criticized for being too 'beautiful', while portraying people whose whole world is enveloped by poverty and destitution...

...However, in a environment and culture that
eludes our basic under-standing, I believe that
Salgado brings an element that enables us to
better empathize with what is going on in
their world.